
21 verses, table

Accumulation table’s page 2

1st verse with a word equals that = 144

380th vs. Genesis 15:19 The 33 kenites 83 and 19 the 33 kenizzites 144 and 19 the 33 kadmonites 111

A) Total simple English gematria value of the verse = 475

B) Four 60 hundred 74 seventy 110 five 42 = 286
2nd verse with a word that equals 144.

479th Genesis 19:21 And 19 he 13 said 33 unto 70 him 30 See 29 have 36 accepted 57 thee 38 concerning 102 this 56 thing 58 also 47 that 49 I 9 will 56 not 49 overthrow 144 this 56 city 57 for 39 the 33 which 51 thou 64 hast 48 spoken 80

A) Total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1332

B) One 34 thousand 102 three 56 hundred 74 thirty 100 two 58 = 424

A/A) 475 + 1332 = 1807

A/B) 286 + 424 = 710
3rd vs. with a word that = 144

3596th vs. 850th vs. Leviticus 27:25
And 19 all 25 thy 53 estimations 144 shall 52 be 7 according 74 to 35 the 33 shekel 60 of 21 the 33 sanctuary 122 twenty 107 gerahs 58 shall 52 be 7 the 33 shekel 60

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 995

B) Nine 42 hundred 74 ninety 87 five 42

A/A) 475 + 1332 + 995 = 2802

A/B) 286 + 424 + 245 = 955
4th vs. with a word that = 144

4814th vs.1209th vs.Numbers 33:53
And 19 ye 30 shall 52 dispossess 144 the 33 inhabitants 117 of 21 the 33 land 31 and 19 dwell 56 therein 79 for 39 I 9 have 36 given 57 you 61 the 33 land 31 to 35 possess 112 it 29

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1076

B) One 34 thousand 102 seventy 110 six 52 = 298

5th vs. with a word that = 144
5665th vs. 772nd vs. Deuteronomy And 19 thou 64 shalt 60 eat 26 the 33 fruit 74 of 21 thine 56 own 52 body 46 the 33 flesh 50 of 21 thy 53 sons 67 and 19 of 21 thy 53 daughters 103 which 51 the 33 LORD 49 thy 53 God 26 hath 37 given 57 thee 38 in 23 the 33 siege 45 and 19 in 23 the 33 straitness 144 wherewith 119 thine 56 enemies 70 shall 52 distress 113 thee 38

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1983

B) One 34 thousand 102 nine 42 hundred 74 eighty 74 three 56 = 382
6th vs. with a word that = 144

5699th vs. 806th vs. Deuteronomy 29:19
And 19 it 29 come 36 to 35 pass 55 when 50 he 13 heareth 65 the 33 words 79 of 21 this 56 curse 66 that 49 he 13 bless 57 himself 72 in 23 his 36 heart 52 saying 75 I 9 shall 52 have 36 peace 30 though 79 I 9 walk 47 in 23 the 33 imagination 112 of 21 mine 41 heart 52 to 35 add 9 drunkenness 144 to 35 thirst 94

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1795

B) One 34 thousand 102 seven 65 hundred 74 ninety 87 five 42 = 404
7th vs. with a word that = 144

10772nd vs. 519th vs. 1 Chronicals 13:11
And 19 David 40 was 43 displeased 94 because 56 the 33 LORD 49 had 13 made 23 a 1 breach 37 upon 66 Uzza 74 wherefore 103 that 49 place 37 is 28 called 37 Perezuzza 144 to 35 this 56 day 30

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1067

B) One 34 thousand 102 sixty 97 seven 65 = 298
8th vs. with a word that = 144

11590th vs. 395th vs. 2 Chronicals 20:2 11590 2Ch 14:020:002 395
Then 47 there 56 came 22 some 52 that 49 told 51 Jehoshaphat 111 saying 75 There 56 cometh 64 a 1 great 51 multitude 125 against 71 thee 38 from 52 beyond 65 the 33 sea 25 on 29 this 56 side 37 Syria 72 and 19 behold 46 they 58 be 7 in 23 Hazazontamar 144 which 51 is 28 Engedi 44

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1658

B) One 34 thousand 102 six 52 hundred 74 fifty 66 eight 49 = 377
9th vs. with a word that = 144

12195th vs. 178th vs. Ezra 7:21 And 19 I 9 even 46 I 9 Artaxerxes 135 the 33 king 41 do 19 make 30 a 1 decree 40 to 35 all 25 the 33 treasurers 144 which 51 are 24 beyond 65 the 33 river 72 that 49 whatsoever 136 Ezra 50 the 33 priest 87 the 33 scribe 56 of 21 the 33 law 36 of 21 the 33 God 26 of 21 heaven 55 shall 52 require 93 of 21 you 61 it 29 be 7 done 38 speedily 95

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1950

B) One 34 thousand 102 nine 42 hundred 74 fifty 66 = 318
10th vs. with a word that equals 144

13580th vs. 710th vs. Job 30:22
Thou 64 liftest 91 me 18 up 37 to 35 the 33 wind 50 thou 64 causest 88 me 18 to 35 ride 36 upon 66 it 29 and 19 dissolvest 144 my 38 substance 104

A)The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 969

B) Nine 42 hundred 74 sixty 97 nine 42 = 255
11th vs. with a word that equals 144

13637th vs. 767th vs. Job 32:8
But 43 there 56 is 28 a 1 spirit 91 in 23 man 28 and 19 the 33 inspiration 144 of 21 the 33 Almighty 95 giveth 71 them 46 understanding 150

The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 882

Eight 49 hundred 74 eighty 74 two 58 = 255
12th vs. with a word that equals 144

14195th vs. 255th vs. Psalms 21:3 For 39 thou 64 preventest 144 him 30 with 60 the 33 blessings 106 of 21 goodness 98 thou 64 settest 108 a 1 crown 73 of 21 pure 60 gold 38 on 29 his 36 head 18

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1043

B) One 34 thousand 102 forty 84 three 276
13th vs. with a word that equals 144

16704th vs. 303rd vs. Proverbs 11:15
He 13 that 49 is 28 surety 108 for 39 a 1 stranger 102 shall 52 smart 71 for 39 it 29 and 19 he 13 that 49 hateth 62 suretiship 144 is 28 sure 63

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 909

B) Nine 42 hundred 74 nine 42 = 158

A/A) The total accumulated value to this point = 14339

A/B) The total accumulated value to this point = 3572

A/C) The remainder of the verses, of His Shemuah “1043” is subtracted from A/A 14339 – 1043 = 13296

A/D) The remainder of the verses of His Shemuah “276” is subtracted from A/B 3572 – 276 = 3296
14th vs. with a word that equals 144

18317th vs. 662nd vs. Isaiah 34:13
And 19 thorns 74 shall 52 come 36 up 37 in 23 her 31 palaces 57 nettles 95 and 19 brambles 72 in 23 the 33 fortresses 144 thereof 77 and 19 it 29 shall 52 be 7 an 15 habitation 29 of 21 dragons 78 and 19 a 1 court 77 for 39 owls 69

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1337

B) One 34 thousand 102 three 56 hundred 74 thirty 100 seven 65 = 431
15th vs. with a word that equals 144

21020th vs. 555th vs. Ezekiel 23:12
She 32 doted 48 upon 66 the 33 Assyrians 125 her 31 neighbours 118 captains 83 and 19 rulers 93 clothed 67 most 67 gorgeously 144 horsemen 97 riding 61 upon 66 horses 84 all 25 of 21 them 46 desirable 75 young 82 men 32

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1515

B) One 34 thousand 102 five 42 hundred 74 fifteen 65 = 315
16th vs. with a word that equals 144

21269th vs. 804th vs. Ezekiel 32:20
They 58 shall 52 fall 31 in 23 the 33 midst 65 of 21 them 46 that 49 are 24 slain 55 by 27 the 33 sword 79 she 32 is 28 delivered 84 to 35 the 33 sword 79 draw 46 her 31 and 19 all 25 her 31 multitudes 144

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1183

B) One 34 thousand 102 one 34 hundred 74 eighty 74 three 56 = 374
17th vs. with a word that equals 144

21696th vs. 1231st vs. Ezekiel 47:16
Hamath 51 Berothah 77 Sibraim 71 which 51 is 28 between 74 the 33 border 62 of 21 Damascus 81 and 19 the 33 border 62 of 21 Hamath 51 Hazarhatticon 144 which 51 is 28 by 27 the 33 coast 58 of 21 Hauran 63

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1160

B) One 34 thousand 102 one 34 hundred 74 sixty 97 = 341
18th vs. with a word that equals 144

22717th vs. 32nd vs. Nahum 3:4
Because 56 of 21 the 33 multitude 125 of 21 the 33 whoredoms 120 of 21 the 33 wellfavoured 144 harlot 74 the 33 mistress 122 of 21 witchcrafts 130 that 49 selleth 81 nations 92 through 97 her 31 whoredoms 120 and 19 families 74 through 97 her 31 witchcrafts 130

A) The total simple English gematrai value of the verse = 1808

B) One 34 thousand 102 eight 49 hundred 74 eight 49 = 303
19th vs. with a word that = 144

25493rd vs. 599th vs. Luke 12:33
Sell 48 that 49 ye 30 have 36 and 19 give 43 alms 45 provide 89 yourselves 161 bags 29 which 51 wax 48 not 49 old 31 a 1 treasure 107 in 23 the 33 heavens 74 that 49 faileth 61 not 49 where 59 no 29 thief 48 approacheth 111 neither 79 moth 56 corrupteth 144

A) The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1651

B) One 34 thousand 102 six 52 hundred 74 fifty 66 one 34 = 362
20th vs. with a word that = 144

28470th vs. 106th vs. 1Corinthians Do 19 ye 30 not 49 know 63 that 49 the 33 saints 82 shall 52 judge 47 the 33 world 72 ? and 19 if 15 the 33 world 72 shall 52 be 7 judged 51 by 27 you 61 are 24 ye 30 unworthy 144 to 35 judge 47 the 33 smallest 101 matters 96 ?

The total simple English gematria value of the verse 1376

One 34 thousand 102 three 56 hundred 74 seventy 110 six 52 = 428
21st vs. with a word that = 144

28280th vs. 349th vs. Romans 13:13
Let 37 us 40 walk 47 honestly 118 as 20 in 23 the 33 day 30 not 49 in 23 rioting 92 and 19 drunkenness 144 not 49 in 23 chambering 80 and 19 wantonness 144 not 49 in 23 strife 77 and 19 envying 96

The total simple English gematria value of the verse = 1254

One 34 thousand 102 two 58 hundred 74 fifty 66 four 60 = 394

5793rd vs. 900th vs. Deuteronomy 32:34
Is not this laid up in store with Me and Sealed Up among My Treasures 126 ? = 690